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Shanti's Story

I was born a natural visionary. At a young age, I saw visions beyond what my family considered usual sight!

In my adult years, I applied my abilities by giving countless soul readings in person or by phone to those nearby or on the international scene. Offering soul readings was both a privilege and a pleasure. I met many dear people who were seeking answers to the complexities of their life. The years brought many changes in my mode of humanitarian service, such as the advent of art, travel and adventure, social media, and much, much more.


I will relate many of these somewhat wild but always wonderful experiences in my upcoming book (books).

Currently, my beloved husband Jim and I are bringing the gems of wisdom I hear into book form and magazine articles. Wisdom is the needed commodity for these swirling times.


Thank you for coming to this site. You are a precious flower in my bouquet of friends.

- Shanti Rose

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